WE’VE all seen it, those cute pics of a toddler ‘cradling’ their newborn sibling propped on the settee with a million cushions behind them.
Yep, definitely one for the family album, or even a giant frame on the wall?
We’ve all got friends whose toddlers are obsessed with their new baby brother or sister, constantly wanting to hold/kiss/cuddle/squeeze them. It’s cute, right?
Then you’ve got those children who literally COULD. NOT. GIVE. A. SHIT.
You’ll be surprised to hear that Toddler was in that camp when the Twins made their appearance last year.
We bribed him into having a photo with his new brothers when he came to meet them at the hospital. You can see he was thrilled about it. If he knew how to swear he’d surely be saying WTF?

Everyone wants that perfect picture of toddler and new babies
Then there was the newborn photoshoot. I so wanted an adorable shot of my three gorgeous boys, snuggled into each other, beaming away. (Okay, just Toddler smiling, the others were 11 days old and had barely opened their eyes at that point, but you get my drift)
Instead we had to get our photographer to photoshop out the bloody Peppa Pig he was holding in a vice-like grip, as we couldn’t prize the f*cking thing off him beforehand without the tantrum escalating to nuclear. Fine! Hold the sodding pig, JUST SMILE!
A petrified grimace was the best we could get before we decided to knock it on the head.

Toddler never once held one of the twins
So I probably should have guessed back then that the relationship between Toddler and Twins wasn’t going to be a close one from the word go. Can you believe he has NEVER ONCE held either of the babies. Not even with a million cushions behind him for support. NEVER! What kind of kid doesn’t want to hold the new baby? He literally wouldn’t go near them and still won’t have them on his lap.
Back in the early days he obviously got a lot of ‘new big brother’ attention. From family, friends, old ladies in Sainsbury’s, everywhere we went in fact. I was glad of that, seeing as these two screaming newborns had caused a fair bit of disruption (no, shit).
But if anyone (generally the old ladies) asked if he liked the babies, he’d say no! And not just on the odd occasion when he was in a bad mood – it was his stock answer for a good six weeks. Talk about embarrassing. There I was doing the nervous giggle telling the old bids he was only joking but he totally wasn’t.
Maybe he’d heard the Other Half and I swearing about (at) them in the middle of the night and decided they were things not to be liked?!
Making an effort so toddler wasn’t pushed out
And it wasn’t as if Toddler even had a reason not to like them. Like all mums, I didn’t want him to feel pushed out and jealous, so made a massive effort to give him all the attention he was used to – by basically ignoring the Twins a lot.
Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t quite a neglect case for Social Services, but they certainly didn’t get the attention a first (or even second) child might have done. Tough love in this house, lads!
I like to tell myself they were more than happy just chilling out in their bouncers. A lot. And I defy anyone with a toddler to be able to just sit around cuddling babies all day. Think it might have happened once when they were three days old… See, I still had my hospital tag on.

Luckily this hasn’t backfired on me (yet) and they are seriously chilled out, happy babas. Did I mention I wasn’t really into gentle parenting?
Finally he got the memo. Kind of…
So it seems Toddler finally got the memo about having brothers when they were about 5 weeks old, but obviously didn’t want to let his cooler than cool pretence go. We’d catch him kneeling down next to the bouncers (where else?) stroking their heads but the second you asked him if he liked his baby brothers he’d still say no and run off.
For the next few months there were more failed attempts at a ‘nice’ pic of them together (my particular favourite being on Halloween) but still no joy. FFS how hard can it be? Thank God for digital pics. Can you imagine getting this lot back in the post from Truprint? Absolutely gutted.
My one saving grace of him ignoring them though, is that he’s never been jealous, resentful or just plain shitty towards them. I’ve never had that ‘adjustment’ problem others I know have gone through.
Basically because he’s only just realised they’re alive.
A momentary breakthrough from toddler
On November 23, 2017 there was a momentary breakthrough. Yes, I know the date, it was so momentous I made a note of it. I am that sad. These words came out of Toddler’s mouth: “I love Toby and Isaac, Mummy. They are the best babies in the world.”
Like, WTF? The babies you’ve not gone near/held/cuddled/kissed/given an actual shit about since they were born? They’re the best babies in the world? Is that because they just sit in bouncers quite happily whilst you get all the attention? I think so.
Then back to ignoring them again for a couple more months.
Warming up to the big brother role
Just recently he’s letting his guard down a bit, and is warming up to the big brother role. He openly tries to cuddle them when they’re in the buggy (false public display of affection?) and SOMETIMES gives them a kiss goodnight. When he can be arsed to look away from f*cking ‘Dinosaur Finger’ on Kids You Tube that is.
Hurrah, a breakthrough! My Toddler does have some kind of sibling attachment after all! He is normal. He is a loving little boy. Maybe I could get a nice picture of the three of them smiling now.
Er, let me think. That’ll be a no…

How did I do?
If you enjoyed this post, hang around for a while and read some more of my stuff. You might like this one on surviving a year with three boys under three (it wasn’t pretty, believe me), or my ‘advice’ on how to get a flat stomach after twins – basically not to bother and eat ALL the cake.
If you like a bit of social media madness, pop over to my Facebook page where you’ll be able to have a laugh at what ridiculousness goes on in my house with three very small boys on a daily basis. Warning – there is often sarcasm, and usually swearing. There are also great travel reviews and some AWESOME giveaways. Feel free to join my Twins, Tantrums and Cold Coffee – Shits and Giggles Parenting Group too, where everyone shares their hilarious stories.
And if you want to work with me, feel free to give me a shout here or at helen@twinstantrumsandcoldcoffee.com and I’ll get back to you.
🙂 A very entertaining read, I’m sure he’ll be a great big brother (big sigh 🙂 wish I had a big brother.)
Here’s hoping! 😂
So cute! They will become best buds eventually! Sometimes the adjustment period is longer. But they are so cute. 😊
Fingers crossed!
Lol, my son was the same way with my twins! We don’t have any sweet pictures of the three of them when my girls were newborns. He didn’t dislike them, he just didn’t want to be too close to them. Honestly, it was nice in the newborn phase, he didn’t mess with them! Now that he is 4 and his sisters are 2 they get along and like each other.
That’s good to hear, thank you. I’m hoping mine might be the same, but the fact one twin is now crawling and grabbing his toys isn’t going down too well with the toddler!
Awww this is so funny, kids are just the best aren’t they. They never do what you expect. I love that first photo of the three of them, it’s so adorable!
Thank you. Wondering how old they’ll be before I get a nice pic 🙄
Haha! oh bless him! My daughter seemed uninterested to begin when her brother was born but within a few days she was asking to hold him and now she is constantly giving him hugs, kisses, high fives and fist bumps haha! xx
There’s hope for mine yet, then!
You never quite know how they are going to be until they arrive! I’m glad he got there in the end.
This made me laugh and I did think we would have this problem when our little lady was born but my son wouldn’t leave her alone. The problem being his cuddles are a bit of a head butt! She too was left to her own devices and I can’t really remember her being a baby now. Having more than one child really is a bit of a shock!
It totally is!
Ha, it must be hard when your world is invaded by two “things”. My eldest loved her little sister right from the beginning, but I think she saw her as a living doll. It’ll be interesting to see how things development. They got harder here once Little was able to move around and steal big sister’s toys.
That’s what is now starting to happen here so Toddler likes them even less!
A great post and one that I am sure loads of parents can relate too! I just love your style of writing by the way!!! Your boys are adorable!
Ah thank you, I don’t think I can write in a non-sarcastic, sweary way 🙂
Oh this made me giggle so much! If it helps, my teenagers bloody adored each other and now? Scream at each other for breathing! Fingers crossed you have chilled teenagers lol x
Ha! Maybe it’ll go the other way. Not sure which is worse!
They’re fuckers really aren’t they?
I’m pretty sire babies aren’t cool when you are a toddler. They just don’t do anything, do they? I’m sure his interest (and love hate) will change as he gets older! #ItsOK
Absolutely love it! Social media is guilty of giving that perfect view and, when you don’t measure up, you feel like a failure. But, you know what? Life isn’t perfect and you’re doing a great job!
Thank you, and too right, they actually make much funnier pictures and memories too!
Hahaha Helen, the pics are hilarious. But keepsakes, nonetheless. The good thing (as you have said as well) is that there was no jealousy/ sibling rivalry that often makes it very difficult for parents. And the older bubas. Your three look like a happy-go-lucky cool bunch:) Love how he suddenly proclaimed his love for his brothers. Touche.
Oh yes these days he tells me loves them on a daily basis – followed literally five minutes later by how he doesn’t like one of them because “they’re giving me a headache”!
Aww bless him. It might be a while before you get that perfect smiley picture! 😉 #itsok
We’ve had a couple of half decent ones by now, but that perfect one might take a while! 🤦🏻♀️
Ha this made me laugh! Love all the pics. Frame that last one for the wall! #ItsOk
I guess the pics are more memorable this way!
I have a feeling he will come around once he realizes they are old enough to do things for him, or at least play with him. Mazel Tov on this beautiful batch of boys! <3 #itsok xoxo
Thank you – you’re right, he’ll love it when he can order them around!
The newborn photo shoot is a lovely shot! If it’s any consolation I can never get a nice shot of my three either #itsok
I’ll get one of all three one day!
Awww – bless him. My eldest wasn’t that impressed either. It hasn’t got much better 5 years later! #itsok
Something to look forward to then!