AD | Disclaimer – This post is an advertisement feature with Hedrin head lice products.
I don’t know about you, but the thought of my kids getting head lice absolutely freaks me out. Like, irrationally so!
I’d like to think I’m a pretty sensible person, responsible mother, and all that kind of thing. But I genuinely start having a little panic when I think about having to deal with head lice. I’m not sure what’s wrong with me!
It’s to the point that I’d actually rather all three of my young boys have a stomach bug at the same time and have to deal with the (quite frankly hideous) clear up than they get the dreaded head lice. (Obviously I don’t WANT my children to be sick and feel poorly – I’m just thinking on a purely selfish level!)
Maybe it’s because I’ve not had any experience of it yet. I have three boys – aged 5 and 3 year old twins, and they’ve only been in preschool and school for the past two years. It hadn’t even entered my head about them potentially getting it when my eldest was at preschool.

The dreaded head lice letter from school
It was only when the dreaded ‘nits letter’ arrived home during his first term in Foundation that it dawned on me. I would be no good at dealing with this. Just reading it started making me itchy!
Tell me, am I the only one that is behaving so ridiculously? Surely I can’t be?
So I’m going with the prevention is better than cure approach. I DO NOT want to be dealing with those little blighters. So I’ve started doing everything I can to let them know our house, and in particular my little boys’ lovely blond hair is a no-go zone for them.
How am I doing this, I hear you ask? Well I’m arming myself with Hedrin products to give myself the upper hand. I’m not going to wait around ignoring the issue until it’s too late and I have to actually SEE them crawling around my boys’ heads.
Hedrin spray protects against head lice
I’m going all out to stop that happening with Hedrin Protect & Go Spray. It’s an easy to use conditioning spray that is clinically proven to help stop head lice taking hold. And freaking me out! You only need to use it twice a week to protect you and your family from potential future infections. Probably a little bit over the top to want to spray it on them twice a day. Like I’m ACTUALLY tempted to do.
Hedrin also makes a Head Lice Detection Comb which is ideal for using once a week – unless your child is like my Twin Two and won’t even let a hairbrush near his head!
So if we don’t want head lice to put in an appearance, especially now lockdown is over (hopefully never to return!) and children are going back to school mixing with others again, we need to up our checking game.

Remembering to regularly check for ‘nits’
Maybe do what I do and have a reminder in my phone, we could even remind others in the mums Whatsapp group. I’m sure they’d be delighted – but they’d thank me if it stopped the naughty nits paying a visit.
I’ve been trying to ignore the fact that head lice are pretty much part and parcel of having children. And that I’ll have to deal with them one day. So to make myself feel a tiny bit better about this fact, I’ve loaded the cupboard with secondary weapons in defence against the little critters.
If my worst nightmare were to come true, I have an entire armament ready for battle. These include Hedrin All-in-One Shampoo which is an all-in-one solution that kills head lice, removes eggs and cleans hair. Then there’s Hedrin Once Spray Gel which is clinically proven to kill head lice and eggs with just one application. And finally I have Hedrin Treat & Go which is flippin’ perfect for my twins, as it’s a fuss free solution for children who just won’t sit still.
Okay, okay, I’m sounding slightly neurotic. But at least I’m prepared!
Are you just as nervous about your kids getting head lice? How have you handled it if they’ve already had them? Tell me your top tips!

How did I do?
How did I do?
If you liked this post, why not read more about head lice facts and treatments, or some of my other posts. You can check out some other reviews such as the Baby Dan Wooden Bed Rail, the Mountain Buggy Nano Duo, the Gummee Glove for teething babies, or see if a Land Rover Discovery would be suitable as your family car. And if you want some of my usual parenting chit chat, go to my Mum Life section.
If you like a bit of social media madness, pop over to my Facebook page where you’ll be able to have a laugh at what ridiculousness goes on in my house with three very small boys on a daily basis. Warning – there is often sarcasm, and usually swearing. There are also great travel reviews and some AWESOME giveaways. Feel free to join my Twins, Tantrums and Cold Coffee – Shits and Giggles Parenting Group too, where everyone shares their hilarious stories.
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