This is a collaborative post, so I may have received payment for including one or more of the links it contains about countryside holidays.
Everyone deserves to have somewhere that they can escape to in life.
A place of safety from the troubles of normal life, and a place where they know they can truly relax and have a good time. So if you think about your special place, where would it be?
A lot of you will probably say on a beach somewhere hot, with someone passing you drinks whilst the kids played in the sand or splashed around in the shallows of the sea. But we all know that you’re only going to be able to do that once a year, even if that.
Family holidays are just so expensive, and they come round what feels like once in a blue moon. So you have to sit and think about the other, more easily accessible, happy places that you can escape to.
For many, the English countryside is up there as one of the best ideas of somewhere to go. It’s easily accessible to those of us in the UK, it’s beautiful, and there’s so many fun family things to do. But if you’ve always been a beach holiday escape sort of person, you’re going to need some convincing. So keep on reading, and let us show you the ideal, beautiful country escape.
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Things to do in the countryside
The countryside in the UK is one of the most tranquil places in the world, and you won’t truly realise that until you’re fortunate enough to get deep into the countryside, and away from all of the hustle and bustle that you’re used to. It’s so calm, because you don’t have all of the noise pollution that the city and big towns create. It’s also clean and fresh, and it actually feels like the air you’re breathing is pure. Plus, there’s so many fabulous family activities to do, and so many beautiful villages. From canal boat trips, to horse and carriage rides, or even hiking around the hills of the location. You don’t really have to do anything at all to enjoy all that the countryside has to offer, you simply just have to be in the moment and enjoy what’s around you!
Some beautiful accommodation ideas
Accommodation in the countryside can be beautiful, and it all depends on where you’re going, and what you’re looking for. You could do anything from glamping in a kitted out Tipi, to a treetop escape like no other. Or, you could simply rent a cottage in the hills, and truly feel like you’re away from it all. Your average hotels are different to what you’d find in a city – it’s more about boutique B&B’s, and unique experiences.
The family benefits
There are so many family benefits, and the main one is that you’re going to enjoy time together. There are hardly any distractions or built up areas, so it feels like you have the time to actually enjoy each other’s company, without getting lost in the hustle and bustle. Plus, most of the things you’ll be doing will involve a lot of walking, so it’s a great way to keep your family active!
Featured image by Sam Knight on Unsplash