It’s a child’s natural instinct to grab and explore new things. As they do, they will build what are known as fine motor skills (the skills needed to grip, hold and pinch). Further practice will help them to strengthen this skill set and hand eye coordination so that they can do things like write.
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Here are 5 fun activities that will help them in this area according to an independent girls school in London.
1. Water Fight
Rubber ducks are a godsend for bath time. They help you to keep your little one distracted and are a way that you can help them with their fine motor skills at the same time as most are squeezy. If you’re not afraid of getting wet, you can use them as water pistols and have a water fight.
2. Modelling
This one involves playdough. Children love it as it’s easy to mould and is malleable. It can be used to create whatever they like. As they pinch, press and roll, they will be able to work on these particular skills and exercise their creativity.
3. Lego
Lego bricks are pretty much the same. You can buy fun themed kits to get their attention and offer some inspiration. They are a little harder to pull apart but that’s okay as it will really put their skills to work.

4. Paper Crowns
If your son or daughter likes fairy tales, they may like a crown of their own. They can make them using coloured paper, scissors, and some tape.
5. Music
Last but not least, we have music. Music has profound benefits for child learning and development. Not only do instruments require hand eye coordination and movements like holding, pressing and gripping but they also strengthen the brain. Learning music exercises memory as well as the creative side of the brain.
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