Home » Insomnia? How To Trick Your Way Into Sleep

Insomnia? How To Trick Your Way Into Sleep

Are you sick of getting no sleep? Insomnia is not for the faint of heart and it can have some drastic effects on all aspects of life. You may not be able to concentrate at work or it could be tough getting through the day with your children.

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There could be a number of reasons why you’re suffering from insomnia and it’s important to get to the root of the problem. However, while you’re figuring it out, you need to sleep. Here are some things you can do to get that all important rest.

Set The Scene

Bedtime is looming and you feel tired but you’re worried you won’t be able to drift off. As the evening nears an end, this is the perfect time to start signaling rest to your body. Dim the lights and turn off all screens and devices.

Jump into a warm bath and use bath salts or creams with soothing scents. Camomile, Jojoba, and lavender are all perfect. Listen to some calming music and then once in bed, close your eyes and relax.

Release The Tension To Reduce Insomnia

Insomnia can happen as a result of stress or worry. Life is full of stress and worry so it’s not surprising that most of us will experience insomnia at some point in our lifetime. Exercise is an ideal way to release tension and relax the body ready for slumber.

Insomnia can lead to extreme fatigue so it’s unlikely you’ll feel like doing exercise. If you push through and try to do thirty minutes each day, it could result in a fantastic change to your sleeping patterns. This simple habit could change everything.

Watch What You Eat and Drink

Your diet can contribute to complications when sleeping. A poor diet can lead to insomnia so it’s worth checking your eating and drinking habits when you’re not sleeping well. Drinking too much caffeine throughout the day can also cause insomnia.

While you adjust your diet, using CBD oil with your food could help to reduce your insomnia. Be sure to eat a varied and balanced diet so your body gets what it needs to function properly. Limit your caffeine to two cups each day and don’t drink caffeine after lunch.

Read a Book To Prevent Insomnia

The world has lost the art of reading books. If you spend the hours before going to bed scrolling through social media, try switching the screen for a paper book instead. Not only is this a better alternative for your mental health but there’s also the fact that nothing beats a good story.

If you can engage your brain in some form of escapism, you may be able to trick it into relaxing. This is the first step towards a good night’s sleep and entering a fictional realm could give you some interesting dreams too. Paper books don’t have the same backlight that phones and devices do so you won’t be coerced into staying alert.

If you’ve found this article helpful, take a look at the others.

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