Mother’s Day is coming up and the internet is flooded with gift guides full of ideas of what to buy us.
But has anyone actually ASKED what we want? Like, REALLY want for Mother’s Day?
I mean, don’t get me wrong. I’m never going to turn down chocolates and flowers for Mother’s Day or a nice brunch out – and my perfume is kind of running low (just in case either of my 3 year old twins are reading this…) but if a gun was held to my head, there would be a few other things I’d admit to rather wanting instead.

Like a whole day without having to see or talk to a single other person would be nice. Or to do a wee without having to clean the loo first. Or one of those nice veneers on a dodgy tooth I’ve got? What about the ability to google ‘Babysitter near me‘, then head off out for the evening?
And if we’re talking money can’t buy gifts, here’s what some of my fellow mum bloggers would like. (Apart from the last one, possibly!)
What we REALLY want this Mother’s Day
- I’ve asked for a chandelier from each of them for the living room! I don’t think I’m going to get them!
- Tom Hardy in a Cardi
- A massage. I find motherhood quite physically exhausting and my muscles definitely need a good massage.
- An hour’s sleep back as clocks spring forward this year on the same day.
- Sunglasss! One to hide my tired eyes and wrinkles and two, because mine are ancient!
- A day off! Or a lie in!
- Washing done, cleaning done, sleep and a large bottle of wine and for it not to add any weight!
- A roast dinner cooked by my husband that doesn’t involve using 4,027 pots and pans and me left doing the washing up.
- An entire day lying in bed, reading a book. Oh, and a bell to ring when I need a drink and/or food.
- For my kids to spend a whole day not trying to beat the crap out of each other and to keep the screams to a minimum…..or to spend a day winding up daddy while mummy goes shopping for her own present alone with no kids.
- Someone to rub my feet for at least 20 minutes and not complain! I would even pay them to do it but they never want to.
- To take initiative. Rather than bugging me every 20 minutes with “Mum, I’m hungry” just get the piece of fruit he knows I’m going to tell him to get.
- We just had another baby. I really want just a good night’s sleep. That is all!
- Chocolate, wine and a cuddle.
- I would like no one to use the word “Mummy” all day.
- I want a professional house cleaning from a maid service!
- Just to have everyone listen the first time for 24 hours. Put on your shoes. Shoes go on. Stop throwing things at yours sister. It actually stops. It would be bliss!
- A new waterproof coat, a nice one.. fed up of the drowned rat look on the school run!
- A day without the kids and the partner! My kids are with me all the time, unless I’m at work, and I’d love to chill back home doing my own stuff, just like my husband often does (as I drag the kids to their hobbies, to the park etc.)
- A lie in followed by brunch out (my kids love making me breakfast but I’m usually finding food stuck to walls for days after!) Walk around our local Cotswolds villages and afternoon tea.
- Chocolate and lots of sleep. Oh and a wee in peace.
- To be able to go to the toilet and not sit in someone else’s wee!
- An empty laundry basket and a mute button installed on each child.
- To poop in peace.
- Chocolates and a massage. The chocolates goes without saying (who doesn’t love chocolate) and a relaxing massage would be bliss.
- A pause button that works on my children so I can eat my food without sharing it!
- A hot bath .. alone … with no toys thrown in!
- A REAL getaway. ALONE. With no husband or kids (he needs to look after the kids, correct?). Books, box-sets and Facebook are allowed. For a week… Nah, we’ll miss our li’l munchkins, we emotional hormonal mums! Ok, a day will do fine. A WHOLE day with no frantic ‘Where are the band-aids kept?’ or ‘Where is the red compartment of the toy train?’ kind of texts from husband dearest!
- I don’t want to cook. And I don’t want to clean up after. I don’t want to plan or decide what we do. And I don’t want to fight with the kids about appropriate clothing! I want us to do something as a family. It would be great if it’s something or somewhere new.
- A raunchy strip tease from their husband? Please tell me that’s the case otherwise I’m screwed!
Do these ring any bells with you? What would you REALLY like this Mother’s Day?

AD | This is a collaborative post, so I may have received payment for including one or more of the links it contains.
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These are brilliant – some of them actually made me laugh out loud! Great idea for a post. I’ll have any or all of the above please…I’m not fussy!!
Ha, me neither!
I love this and totally agree with the what we really want suggestions
Those ladies came up with some good ones!