Remodelling and renovating is a great way to spruce up your home, but there’s a lot of dirty work involved. If you’re thinking about renovating your home to make it a better fit for your family, here’s what you need to know about preparing your home for renovation.
This is a guest post in collaboration with Alycia Coloma.
Take an inventory before renovating your home
Taking an inventory of your belongings is a good first step when you’re renovating your home. This will give you a chance to decide if there’s anything you want to sell or get rid of, which will make the renovation easier. While you’re taking inventory, you can also clean out the room you’re going to renovate. The cleaner your home is before renovations, the easier it will be to set up your home afterwards.
Use what you can
Recent months have been all about making the most out of what you have. Instead of buying new soaps and shampoos, simply use what you have in the shower until it’s gone. You can also get creative in the kitchen; check your recipe books to see if you have any leftover ingredients you can use before they go bad.
Make a storage plan
Renovating means clearing out a room, which means you need a place to store all that stuff. If you don’t have extra space around your house, consider renting mobile storage containers for temporary storage. These storage containers can be dropped off at your house, which means all you have to do is move furniture from the room you’re renovating to the container outside your home.

Figure out the food situation
If your renovations are going to involve the fridge or cooker being out of order, make sure you figure out an alternative food situation. You may be able to plug your fridge into an outlet in the garage if you have room. If not, you can always invest in a mini-fridge so you have a place to keep your food and drinks cold.
In the meantime, you can use coolers and ice to store food and drinks you want to keep at home. As far as cooking goes, firing up the grill is your best option if you’ve got one. Of course, you can always order a takeaway or hit the drive-through if you need to satisfy a pregnancy craving or find a simple solution to dinner.
Upgrade home security
With everything going on around the house during renovations, beefing up home security is never a bad idea. You’ll have a lot of contractors coming and going, and you might not always be home. The best solution to this problem is to install smart locks that you can control remotely via your phone, that way you can let contractors in and lock back up when they go.
Once you’ve got your home all cleaned out and prepared for renovations, you might also want to install security cameras and alarms around the house. Of course, you’ll want to make sure you turn your alarms off if you’re expecting builders from a construction company. And if you’re carrying out some of the work yourself, you might want to buy some safety gear from the MTN Shop.
Clear a path
Every parent knows how tough it can be to navigate through a messy house. With that in mind, take some time to clear a path from the entrance contractors will be using to the room they’ll be renovating. Contractors appreciate a clean workspace, and it will make renovations much easier.
Preparation is important when it comes to renovating. Not only do you want to make things secure and easy for yourself and your family, but you also want to make the job easy for contractors. As long as you follow these tips, you can make sure renovating your home is a breeze.

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