Mums are amazing, aren’t they?
I’ve just spent the morning with 30 mums, only one of whom I’ve ever met before. And I had such a great time!
Today was the Twins, Tantrums and Cold Coffee ‘Mums’ Meet Up’, and I think we can safely say it was a success.
To be honest, if only three people had turned up, I’d have sighed with relief, and classed it as a success. I’m easily pleased.
Especially after I smugly posted this pic 10 minutes before it was due to start – then it rained on me. I must have looked a right knob stood in amongst the trees wrapped in my picnic blanket.

Mums turn out in force
But the sun came out, and so did 30 mums from Plymouth for a picnic at Central Park and to meet other mums.
There were babies of all ages, from barely sitting to crawlers, to wobbly walkers, then children ranging up to the age of 10 with their mums enjoying the morning out.
And what impressed me the most was at least half of these lovely women had come on their own. Not with the safety net of friends, but alone with their kids, and got stuck in chatting with others and swapping numbers.
I even spoke to one lovely lady who was having a really shit time at home, and got teary telling me all about it. That horrible moment when you’re holding it together until someone asks if you’re okay. But she was there, on her own with her girls, getting on with it. I thought about her all afternoon afterwards and am so impressed with how brave she was.
I tried to get around to chat to everyone, but apologies if I missed you!
Maggie Moo from Moo Music Plymouth also put in appearance which the children loved.
How the Mums’ Meet Up started
The Meet Up all started after a thread in my Twins, Tantrums and Cold Coffee – Shits and Giggles of Parenting Facebook group a few weeks back.
Emily Lyall posted a funny comment about having zero mum friends and would always be up for playdates if anyone fancied it. I knew she was a good’un. She mentioned wine.
Within seconds the lovely mummies of Plymouth (and indeed around the world actually!) were all over it, all suggesting they’d be up for making more mum mates.
Emily came to the Meet Up on her own and realised she knew others through work and had a great time.

She said: “What a lovely day, and such a turn out! Luckily the weather was on our side and we were all able to have our picnic and a natter.
“I’m looking forward to the next meet up, and making more Mummy friends!”
Michelle from Little Star Images came along with her little boy, and kindly took some fabulous pics! Scroll down to see a gallery of them all.
My talented friend and old work colleague Penny from The Herald came too, and will be putting some pics on Plymouth Live soon for you to look out for.
And for once my blogpost isn’t filled with pics of my own boys, as I left them at home so I had chance to chat!
So who’s up for another one?
It was so great today, meeting new people, all with one thing in common – kids! Thank you to everyone who came along, and I’d loved to do another one if people are interested.
I’m going to be working with Mummy Social next month for their #socialseptember campaign.
For those of you who don’t know it, Mummy Social is a website and app founded by Devon mum-of-three Josie Barron in 2015. The following year she was joined by TV presenter Helen Skelton, and blogger-turned-author Sarah Turner (The Unmumsy Mum).
It aims to combat maternal loneliness by supporting and encouraging mums to be brave and get social with other local mums. It hopes to provide a support network of ‘go-to’ mum friends that they can rely on.
During the month of September, Mummy Social wants to actively encourage as many mums as possible to sign-up and get social.
So after the success of today’s first event, I definitely think it’s on the cards for another one – maybe on a weekend for more people to join in.
Who’s in?
How did I do?
Did you enjoy this post? Keep an eye out for the latest Local Stuff here. You might also like some of my other posts. Whilst we’re on the subject of mums, how about you read Why Every Mum Needs Mummy Mates, or a tongue-in-cheek look at the difference between a Yummy Mummy or Slummy Mummy. You might also enjoy Why It’s Okay To Not Love Every Minute.
If you like a bit of social media madness, pop over to my Facebook page where you’ll be able to have a laugh at what ridiculousness goes on in my house with three very small boys on a daily basis. Warning – there is often sarcasm, and usually swearing. There are also great travel reviews and some AWESOME giveaways. Feel free to join my Twins, Tantrums and Cold Coffee – Shits and Giggles Parenting Group too, where everyone shares their hilarious stories.
And if you want to work with me, feel free to give me a shout here or at and I’ll get back to you.