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5 Birthday Party Ideas for Summer

Looking for some party ideas for your child, or a friend’s child, that might just have their birthday in the summer break? Here are some suggestions you could explore.

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1. Plan a treasure hunt

Something that is safe and easy to set up will be a treasure hunt. Have a look at ways you can secretly hide different objects in your storeroom cupboards, drawers, or areas of the garden. The idea with a treasure hunt is to lead up to bigger prizes each time, but your child has to work for it! As a backup plan, have a spare present ready for your child’s birthday surprise.

2. Play pass the parcel

This is a firm favourite with a lot of children passing the parcel, where children unwrap one layer of wrapping paper when the music stops. It keeps the suspense high as the children in a circle dance and clap and cheer. By the end someone will have a new present to enjoy, which can be a great sense of fun. It might be old school but it’s also one of the best party ideas if you’re doing your own thing.

3. Bake a cake together

If your child can’t decide what to make in a cake then you could always bake the cake with them. A more toned down day of fun can be had if you decide to bake the cake together, with it also being a learning opportunity for them. Let them decide what the cake could look like and what icing they’d like to add to it.

4. Head to a soft play centre

If your children are younger and looking for something exciting to do with friends, then a soft play centre is a good place to suggest and one of the best party ideas if you want to make minimal effort. This normally involves booking a session with a local play area for a few hours and bringing or ordering a selection of food. You could always make a small buffet to bring with you to reduce costs if they allow.

5. Organise a swimming party

Whether this involves swimming lessons in Watford or learning how to play water polo, your child could really enjoy this sort of party instead of the more traditional forms. Have a look at options in your local area to see which leisure centres in your region could accommodate your plans.

So there are a few options you could have when it comes to your child’s birthday plans. One important element is to tailor your birthday party plans to what they enjoy and love.

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Did you enjoy this post? Why not check out a few more. You may like The Ridiculous Things Mums Stress Over When Throwing A Kid’s Birthday PartyThe Highs and Lows Of Throwing A Kid’s Birthday Party, or 10 Tips On Throwing A Birthday Party At Home. Or if you fancy having a giggle at some of my other parenting rants, head over to read some of my Mum Life posts. Or check out my Travel Section for some UK holidays and days out inspiration.

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And if you want to work with me, feel free to give me a shout here or at helen@twinstantrumsandcoldcoffee.com and I’ll get back to you.

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