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Helping your child become more independent

Independence is a core part of what your child will need to help with their confidence. This also helps your child with managing lots of other issues without you needing to come to their aid each time. It’s what they will need to rely on when they head out on their own path, and it’s also a big element of working well with others. To help your child become more independent, here are some top tips.

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Let your child make decisions early on

If your child is often turning to you to make the final decision then they have already learnt that they don’t need to offer any input. Ideally this should be turned on its head with lots of opportunities for children to have the final say. Let your child make small choices from an early age, like making them decide what meal they’d like to eat for dinner, or what cakes they’d like to bake. If you can, let them have a go at getting involved in these tasks as well. It’s a great way of helping your child become more independent.

Leave your child for extended periods of time

Children shouldn’t be left overnight on their own of course, but an hour or so to themselves can make a world of difference to their independence, depending on their age. When they are around teenager age they ought to be comfortable to find ways to entertain themselves without you needing to direct them. If you wanted to head out for a couple of hours then this would be the perfect time to trial how they get on. If your child has a much younger sibling then it’s also a good chance to practice babysitting.

Encourage your child to pick up enrichment activities

Lots of enrichment activities at their own school will take students away from home for periods of time. Courses like the Duke of Edinburgh, overnight volunteering opportunities, and even trips abroad can all help your child become more independent. This will ensure that your child has the chance to talk to other people, communicate effectively and also to make their own choices. You won’t be there to help them, so they will have to learn to manage on their own, or know when to ask a member of staff or a teacher for help.

If your child is looking to attend a senior school in London, then they will need to know how to be independent before they start. Have a look at how your child handles things at the moment and see where you could suggest improvements, to help them with their personal development.

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