We’ve all had long, stressful days at work, and after those days many of us will get home and utter the words, “I need a drink”. But is it more than that and what you do for a living leading to an addiction?
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Having a drink after a stressful day is not uncommon, and it seems pretty harmless, but when it turns into a habit, that can be incredibly dangerous and lead down a pathway that can change your life forever. And it’s something that’s occurring more and more frequently.
According to studies, over three quarters of heavy drinkers are employed, and that figure is rising, with many people in drug and alcohol withdrawal clinics now finding themselves there due to the workplace.
Work can be a huge factor in addiction
Of course, it’s not entirely due to the workplace, there’s accountability on the person themselves, but work and your career can be a huge factor in people turning to the likes of drink and drugs.
That’s predominantly down to work-related stress. Job stress and anxiety around careers are the most common reason in which people turn to substances. The pressure of hitting deadlines, being overworked or working long hours all lead to people using substances in order to cope.
Major signs that you may be struggling at work are things like panic attacks, taking sick days just to escape, or feeling overwhelmed by your job, and if you’re turning to alcohol or drugs because of that, then there’s most certainly a problem.
Workplace culture can play a part in addiction
However, stress isn’t the only way your job can take you down a pathway of addiction, the culture of a workplace can play a large part too. We’ve all seen the likes of Mad Men, and while the workplace isn’t exactly the same, many white collar and blue collar careers can come with a heavy drinking culture.
That means a lot of social events in which heavy drinking is almost encouraged, while after work drinks occur almost on a daily basis.
Consider the culture of your work. Is alcohol available on site? Is drinking at work socials and after work actively encouraged? Is there any judgement on those that don’t want to drink? These can all lead to a pretty toxic environment in which people drink themselves down a pathway of addiction.
The worst thing is, this can often ruin a career, with little support on offer from employers as people go through rehab and addiction treatment to work their way to health.
If you’re worried about how much you’re drinking because of work, reevaluate your relationship with both alcohol and your employment and make a decision that looks after number one – you!
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